TYPE: B-W Agenda Meeting
DATE: 3/6/2024       TIME: 7:30 PM
LOCATION: School District Board Room
1.0 Call to Order
1.1 Ms. Karen L. Brown, Board President Info
2.0 Pledge of Allegiance
2.1 Pledge of Allegiance Info
3.0 Roll Call
3.1 Mr. Bell Ms. Brown Dr. DiCesaro Mr. Giglione Mr. Knezevich Mrs. Priano Ms. Tarson Ms. Wood Mr. Zeman Info
4.0 Board President Remarks
4.1 The agenda was posted on the Baldwin-Whitehall School District website at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting. The meeting is open to the public to attend in person. Hard copies of the agenda are available for those in attendance. Info
4.2 There was an Executive Session this evening at 6:30 p.m. to discuss personnel and legal matters. Info
5.0 Mission Statement of School District
5.1 The Baldwin-Whitehall School District, a learning community dedicated to providing all students with a high-quality educational experience in a collaborative, safe, and nurturing environment. Info
6.0 Commendations and Recognitions
6.1 Do The Right Thing Outstanding Student - Lily Baumgardner - Grade 8 Info
6.2 Do The Right Thing Outstanding Students - Sofia Benitez - Grade 4 and Brendan Harris - Grade 12 - Whitehall Committee for Environmental Action (WCEA) Info
6.3 Academic Competition Awardees Info
6.4 Abbilyn Rexrode - Gymnastics - Diamond Division All-Around Champion - Grade 11 Info
6.5 Boys Scouts of America - Eagle Scout - Alexander Neuhaus - Grade 11 Info
6.6 Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science (PJAS) - Baldwin High School Info
6.7 Highlander Hero - Susan Mizla - Transportation Services Info
7.0 Student Board Representative Comments
7.1 Dylan Lubarski, Oluwatomisin (Tumi) Ojo, Kelson Kleinhampl, Abigail Horn, and Bryce Nowicki Info
8.0 Superintendent Report
8.1 Dr. Randal A. Lutz Info
8.2 Construction Update Info
9.0 Education and Instruction
9.1 Deputy Superintendent Report Info
9.2 Revised - 2023-2024 School Calendar Info
9.3 Approval - 2024-2025 School Calendar (First Day of School Only) Info
9.4 Affiliation Agreement - Carlow University, Education Department Info
9.5 Agreement - Jewish Family (Partner 4 Work) - BHS Learn and Earn Program Info
9.6 Letter of Agreement - Pressley Ridge Info
9.7 Student Participation - Baldwin High School - PA Indoor Track & Field Championships (Additional Student) Info
9.8 Student Participation - Baldwin High School - PMEA Western Region Orchestra Info
10.0 Business and Finance
10.1 Approval - Tennis Court Proposal Info
10.2 Agreement - HopSkipDrive (Discussion) Info
10.3 Bid Rejection - Weight Room Info
10.4 Agreement - Allegheny Intermediate Unit #3 2024-2025 IDEA-Part B Use of Funds Agreement & Notice of Adoption of Policies, Procedures and Use of Funds by School District Info
10.5 2024-2025 Allegheny Intermediate Unit (AIU) Program of Services Budget Info
10.6 Accept Bid - Technology Services - Wireless Access Points and Licensing - J. E. Harrison Education Center/J. E. Harrison Middle School Info
10.7 Accept Bid - Technology Services - Wired Network Switches , Licensing, and Installation - J. E. Harrison Education Center/J. E. Harrison Middle School Info
10.8 Accept Bid - Technology Services - Wireless Access Point Licensing - Baldwin High School Info
10.9 Authorization to Bid - Technology Services - Chromebooks, Laptops, and Desktops (District-wide) Info
10.10 Donation - Donors Choose - Classroom Materials (Amy Goetzman - BMS) Info
10.11 Donation - Donors Choose - Classroom Materials (Vanessa Saut - HEC) Info
10.12 Donation - Donors Choose - Classroom Materials (Katie Neyman - LES) Info
11.0 Policies
11.1 610 Purchases Subject to Bid/Quotation - 2nd Reading Info
11.2 827 Conflict of Interest - 1st Reading Info
11.3 907 School Visitors - 1st Reading Info
11.4 903 Public Participation in Board Meetings (Discussion) Info
12.0 Unfinished Business
12.1 Approval - 2024 Board Goals Info
12.2 Unfinished Business - Board Info
13.0 New Business
13.1 New Business - Board Info
14.0 Report of Special Representatives
14.1 Report of Special Representatives Info
15.0 Correspondence
15.1 Revenues and Expenses Info
15.2 Student Activity Funds Info
15.3 Bank Reconciliations Info